Talk: Soham Mukherjee

Talk: Soham Mukherjee

We are delighted to share with you that Soham Mukherjee has agreed to join us for our upcoming expert talk session. Soham is a herpetologist with a special interest in crocodilians and snakes. He has worked mainly on captive husbandry projects and radio telemetry projects. We will also have a question and answer session with him, we kindly request you to share any specific questions that you may have for Soham here in the google form. Apart from this, you can also raise your virtual hands to ask questions (Note: Host will call out the names from the audience who raise hands to ask questions one by one).

We plan for this meeting to be an informal opportunity for connection, discussion, and learning from the experience of the expert who joins us for the talk. This is a closed group meeting hence we request you to not share the meeting link with anyone. We strictly want to keep this for early career researchers, students, and individuals working for croc conservation.

Our aim for this proposed network is to bring the early career researchers and enthusiasts in Asia together on a platform where they can share their work and can be guided by seniors or more experienced researchers regarding their projects, funding opportunities, and any other relevant queries.

The talk will be on Zoom @ 7 pm IST on 25th March 2022.  We will share the zoom link for this session a day before the talk, please stay tuned.